on top of webdav
Bear in mind, that encrypted video playout and thumbnails aren't yet supported for Rclone back-ends, as this requires streaming interface which Rclone doesn't expose through their API.
There are some other ways that we've already explored and it's possible to implement streaming, however we currently lack resources to implement that, as there are other priorities:"icedrive": {
"type": "webdav",
"url": "",
"user": "yourusername",
"vendor": "something"
and the config gets added.
Alternatively you can use full JSON format (please note additional curly braces), which you can then validate e.g. here: (don't provide your username / vendor though, as they're confidential to you).
{"icedrive": {
"type": "webdav",
"url": "",
"user": "yourusername",
"vendor": "something"
(edited)"koofr": {
"endpoint": "",
"password": "<obscuredPassword>",
"type": "koofr",
"user": ""
/ mount
combination. I am not sure exactly whether encrypted video streaming works seamlessly that way though. (edited)crypt
/ mount
combination. I am not sure exactly whether encrypted video streaming works seamlessly that way though. (edited)